WW: 4000-yard Distance Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (900)

400 easy with every 4th length non-freestyle

2x 100 kick on back with fins @ 30 secs rest - odds dolphin, evens flutter kick

4x 50 drill @ 30 secs rest - odds 1 arm swim, evens fist swim

4x 25 @ :30 - build to 85%

Main Set (3000) - :20 rest for all sets

500 broken as 4x {100 hard + 25 easy backstroke

5x 200 @ :15 rest - 75% effort and 6 kicks off every wall

200 easy pull with snorkel & pull buoy

6x 50 kick @ 1:15 - alternate dolphin/flutter kick

500 negative split each 100 to 90% effort

12x 25 swim @ :30 - work on 3 breaths per length

Cooldown (300)

300 easy swim

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: Total Body Blast with Charlotte Brynn

This week’s Workout Wednesday is a live virtual workout! New England LMSC member and coach extraordinaire Charlotte Brynn of The Swimming Hole has been running virtual dryland workouts each morning. Check out tomorrow’s “Total Body Blast” from 9-9:45am ET on The Swimming Hole’s Facebook page or via Zoom (Meeting ID: 915 320 9712).

For tomorrow’s workout you'll need a set of dumbbells or 2 bricks/pieces of wood, plus one kettlebell or a brick. If you have a BOSU and want to intensify your abs have it ready!

If you join via Zoom, you can turn your camera on and see others doing the workout as well. If you can’t make it at 9, check out the Facebook Live recording later on. Get ready to sweat!

Links to the past several days of workouts:


WW: Dryland ideas

With most swimmers in New England currently lacking pool access, this week’s Workout Wednesday features some dryland ideas for staying in shape out of the water. In addition to Bob’s workout suggestions, check out our Swim Strong series from 2019. You can find Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 on our website!

- Alana Aubin, NELMSC Communications Chair

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

  1. Much like a swim workout, cardio activities like running or biking can be done as long steady aerobic workouts or as interval training (i.e. 3 mins @ 75%, then easy for 30 secs) to simulate the work/rest ratio of a swim workout.

  2. Yoga videos on YouTube are great activities for working the core. (Alana’s recommendation: Fightmaster Yoga or Yoga for Swimmers)

  3. I’m also a fan of stretch cords as they allow us to mimic the muscle patterns of various swim strokes.

  4. To work on the core/muscular system, perform circuits of the following exercises. Do 5-10 repetitions per exercise @ :30-:60 rest between each set. Do as many circuits as you like to create a 30-45 minute workout.

  • Burpees

  • Jump lunges

  • Planks

  • Sit ups or crunches

  • Pushups

  • Pullups

  • Squats

  • Jump rope

  • Flutter kicks

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 4500-yard Distance Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (900)

400 non-freestyle

200 streamlined kick on back with fins (flutter and/or dolphin)

4x 75 as 50 drill/25 swim

Main Set (3000) - :20 rest for all sets

500 broken as 4x {100 hard + 25 easy backstroke

1000 @ 75% effort - 6 kicks off every wall

200 easy pull with snorkel & pull buoy

6x 50 kick

500 negative split each 100 to 90% effort

20x 25 swim @ :30 - 2 breaths per length

Cooldown (600)

300 easy pull

6x 50 easy swim @ :30R

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 3500-yard Sprint Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (900)

300 easy swim

6x 50 kick, descend 1-3 and 4-6 @ :20R

4x 75 as 50 drill/25 swim

Main Set (2000)

2x through - use fins and/or paddles for 2nd round

Target pace for all swims = your best 100 free

8x 25 swim @ :30

3x 50 swim @ 1:00

2x 75 swim @ 1:30

1x 100 swim @ 2:00

300 easy pull

100 kick, streamline on back

Cooldown (600)

300 easy back/breast @ 1:00R

300 easy freestyle

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 4000-yard Distance Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (600)

200 swim non-freestyle

4x 50 kick, descend @ :15R

4x 50 fly/free @ :15R

Main Set (3000) all @ :10R

4x 150 @ 90% effort

600 free - target race pace + :15

12x 50 - descend by 3 (i.e. 1-3 easy, 4-6 moderate, 7-9 faster, 10-12 fastest)

600 free - hold steady pace

2x 300 as 250 hard/50 easy

Cooldown (400)

400 easy pull

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 4000-yard IM Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (600)

300 swim easy

6x 50 kick, desc 1-3 & 4-6 @ :20R

Main Set (3000) all @ :20R

3x 100 fly - descend effort (option: 25 fly/25 free)

2x 200 reverse IM

4x 100 back - descend to 100%

400 IM - focus on form and turns

4x 100 breast - descend to 100%

2x 200 reverse IM

4x 100 free - descend to 100%

6x 50 free @ :45

Cooldown (400)

400 easy swim - non-free every 3rd length

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 4000-yard Mid Distance Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (1000)

300 swim easy, every 3rd length non-freestyle

4x 50 pull @ :10R

8x 25 kick @ :15R

4x 75 free, breathe every 5th stroke @ :15R

Main Set (2500) all @ :15R

4x 200 descend effort

3x 200 @ 80% effort

2x 200 descend effort

1x 200 ALL OUT

500 pull with paddles, moderate

Cooldown (500)

500 easy swim - non-free every 3rd length

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 4000-yard Open Water Pool Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (800)

300 swim easy

200 kick with snorkel (+ fins optional)

4x 75 as 50 swim/25 drill

Main Set (2500)

4x 400 free as 100 hard/200 pace/100 hard @ :30 rest

200 dolphin kick on back with fins - hold tight streamline

500 pull with snorkel and pull buoy - work on body alignment and head position

8x 25 fast @ :15 rest

Skill Building (300)

4x 75 free - sight 1x on 1st 25, 2x on 2nd 25, 3x on 3rd 25

Cooldown (400)

400 easy swim - non-free every 3rd length

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 4000-yard IM Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (1000)

400 easy swim as 2x {100 fr, 50 bk, 50 br

300 pull

6x 50 kick with fins as 2x {dolphin, breaststroke, flutter kick}

Main Set (2700): 20 seconds rest between sets

4x 50 fly build @ :15R

3x 100 as 25 fly/75 back descend @ :20R

2x 200 back build @ :15R

3x 100 as 25 back/75 breast descend @ :20R

2x 200 breast build @ :15R

3x 100 as 25 breast/75 free descend @ :20R

2x 200 free build @ :15R

4x 100 IM at 100% effort @ :30R

Cooldown (300)

300 easy swim

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 4000-yard Speedplay workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (1000)

400 easy - non-freestyle every 3rd length

200 pull

200 kick

4x 50 drill

Main Set (2500): 20 seconds rest between sets

10x 25 with 6 dolphin kicks off each wall @ :50

300 at 90% effort

10x 25 with only 1 breath @ :45

2x 150 at 85% effort @ :20R

10x 25 breathe every 5 strokes @ :40

3x 100 at 75% effort @:20R

10x 25 at 90% effort @ :30

6x 50 at 100% effort @ :45R

3x 100 kick @ :20R

Cooldown (500)

5x 100 easy @ :30R

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 4000-yard IM workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (700)

200 swim

200 pull

4x 50 drill @ 1:30

4x 25 underwater streamlines with fins (kick halfway, surface and swim halfway) @ :15R

Main Set (3000): All with :15 seconds rest

4x 100 IM

4x 50 fly work perfect underwaters

3x 200 IM

4x 50 back work perfect underwaters

3x 200 IM

4x 50 breast work perfect underwaters

2x 100 IM

4x 50 free work perfect underwaters

400 IM

Cooldown (300)

300 easy swim

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: Crazy 8(00)s

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warmup (600)

400 swim

200 streamline kick on back, alternate fly/free kick

Main Set (4000)

800 swim at 75% effort on :20R

4x 200 pull, evens with paddles on :20R

800 swim at 75% effort on :20R

8x 100 descend 1-5 and 6-10 on :20R

800 swim at 75% effort on :20R

Cooldown (400)

8x 50 easy swim, at least 2 50s non-free, on :30R

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

WW: 5500-yard 2020 Sampler

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Keep an eye out for a new workout every Wednesday on our website and in our Facebook group. Then send us your favorite workout to share with the LMSC!

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Warmup (200) 200 swim, non-freestyle

Main Set (5000)

20x 100 on :15R as 4x through: 

  • 100 fly

  • 100 back

  • 100 breast

  • 100 free

  • 100 IM

20x 50 on :10R as follows: 

  • 1-5 drill choice

  • 6-10 free, breathe every 5th stroke

  • 11-15 kick with snorkel, focus on good head position & body line

  • 16-20 free, descend to 100% effort

20x 100 on 1:45 or :15R as follows:

  • 1-5 swim with fins

  • 6-10 swim with paddles

  • 11-15 swim with fins and paddles

  • 16-20 pull with snorkel

Cooldown (300) 300 easy swim 

WW: Lactate Set by Mike Bottom

Contributed by Guy Davis, NELMSC Vice Chair

My favorite set is a “lactate production set” written by Mike Bottom and found in The Swim Coaching Bible. I have used this (and similar sets) when preparing for meets where I am trying to swim fast 100s. I believe that they helped me a lot, particularly to maintain speed on the back half of a 100. In Bottom’s words, he uses the sets to “teach the freshmen [swimmers] how to swim fast without fear.” The combination of swimming fast and pushing into the lactate production zone is challenging and exhilarating. I feel that the set, in addition to training the lactate energy system, helps build the mental strength required to “commit” to swim a fast 100.

Be sure to warm up well before starting the set, including some faster pace work to set up the sprinting. I recommend repeating the set a few times when building to a meet, for example every other week for the six weeks prior to the meet.

The set:

3x through:

3x [75 + 25]

300 easy/drill

  • The 75s are descending, with the first two fast but trying to keep perfect form, and the last one at 100% effort.

  • The 25 is on the back, double arm or pulling the lane line for recovery.

  • I recommend an interval between 2 and 2 ½  minutes for each [75+25].

  • The first round is no equipment, the second round is with fins, and the third round is with fins and paddles.

The first time out, there is no need to ramp the intensity too much; just try the set out for size. Then, you can attack with greater intensity in subsequent weeks. Also, be aware of the equipment use: paddles can be tough on the shoulders. An alternative is forgo paddles and progress efforts by starting with a zoomers-type fin and advancing to bigger fins. If you are prone to cramp, be sure to prepare for that.

You can adapt the set in many other ways to suit your needs and preferences. I hope you have fun with it and enjoy its challenge as much as I do.

A big thank you to Guy for submitting this workout and feel free to send a “favorite set” that we can share with our members to Bob Ouellette, NELSMC Coaches Chair.

Reference: The Swim Coaching Bible, Chapter 16, Freestyle Sprint Training, pp. 209-219, especially pp. 213-215, Lactate Production Sets

WW: 4,200-yard Distance Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Warm Up (800)

300 as 50 free/25 non-free

3x 100 kick/swim by 50

8x 25 sprint @ :15R

Main Set (3000)

3x 200 descend @ :15R

600 as 150 @ 80% / 300 cruise / 150 @ 85%

4x 150 odds hard, evens easy @ :15R

600 cruise, work bilateral breathing

12x 50 odds hard, evens easy @ :15R

Cooldown (400)

400 free/back/breast/free by 100

Total: 4,200 yards

WW: 3,400-yard IM Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Feel free to scale the workout as needed by adjusting the number of repeats, length of repeats, and rest intervals.

Warm Up (500): 200 swim, 200 pull, 100 dolphin kick on back with fins

Drills (400)

8x 50 as follows, with fins if you have them

  • 1 arm butterfly

  • Left arm/right arm/both arms butterfly

  • 1 arm backstroke

  • Double arm backstroke

  • Breaststroke with dolphin kick

  • Breaststroke with 2 underwater kicks

  • 1 arm freestyle

  • 3 free/4 back/3 free drill

Main set (2000)

3x: { 4x 125 on :20R as 75 fly/50 back, 75 back/50 breast, 75 breast/50 free, 75 free/50 fly

{ :30R between rounds

(after all 3 rounds of 4x 125s)

5x 100 IM on :30R, focus on perfect turns, walls, and breakouts

Cooldown (500)

300 easy freestyle

4x 50 alternating back/breast

WW: 4,000-yard Sprint Workout

by Bob Ouellette, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Warm Up: 400 free/stroke easy, 4x 100 free/stroke easy, 4x 50 descend 1-4

Prep Set:

4x 150 as 50 kick, 50 catch-up, 50 build on  :15 SR

9x 50 as #1-3:  drill/swim, #4-6:  stroke/swim, #7-9:  descend on base +:05

8x 25 as ODD:  straight arm free, EVEN:  15 yds fast on :30 or :10 SR

150 loosen

Main Set, 4x through:

75 all out, 75 easy — all on 4:00

50 all out, 50 easy — all on 3:00

25 all out, 25 easy — all on 2:00

Cool Down: 4x 100 back/free by 25

Swim Strong: Multiphase Dryland Series for Masters Swimmers, Phase III


Contributed by Stacy Sweetser, ASCA & USMS Level II, SweetWater Swim Studio & Chris Brown, CSCS, CCET, Endurafit Training and Rehab

Welcome back to our progressive dryland training sequence, Swim Strong. Now that you have progressed through Phases I & II, you are ready to introduce the use of resistance bands and add a challenge to the traditional side plank in Phase III. Read Phase I here and Phase II here.

Resistance bands are simple training tools you can take with you anywhere (pack them in your swim bag!). Despite being simple, they are powerful tools that increase load on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in addition to working range of motion. When using resistance bands, it is important to remember that form is the main priority, not working to failure. Due to the fact that the resistance intensifies as the band stretches, choose a band with a lighter resistance (we use ¼ - ½ inch for our clients). Here is a link to some of our favorites.

The goal of this series is to increase a swimmer’s range of motion while building strength, mobility and athleticism. This fundamental movement pattern work aids in injury prevention, tightens connective tissue, and improves swim mechanics and strength. Dryland training, at the pool and at home, is a valuable addition to any swimmer’s routine regardless of age or fitness level. 

Use the following Phase III exercise routine as your dynamic warm up before each swim, at home, or before other activities. Allow 3-5 minutes 3x/week. Feel free to alternate days while revisiting exercises from Phase I and Phase II. On the pool deck, use a kickboard as a cushion for your knees, ankles, and forearms when appropriate.

A dynamic warm up increases blood circulation and fires up muscles soon to be engaged in the water. Think, “RAMP Up!” before you start up. (RAMP = Range of motion, Activation, Muscle Pliability.)

Do not force movements in this routine and build repetitions and time in exercises gradually. Remember, when using resistance bands, focus on form and do not work to failure.

Band Pull Aparts

Why do it? The band pull apart is a great drill to focus on strengthening the upper back and posterior (rear) shoulder. Think of these as the “posture muscles”. These groups are extremely important in allowing for shoulder mobility and helping to maintain a tall, neutral spine.

How to do it well: In a tall kneeling position (both knees on the ground), start by pulling the toes under the shins. Press the hips forward and raise the band to chest height with the palms facing upwards as depicted by the green arrows. Pull the band outward with the elbows remained in a straight (not locked) position. Complete 2-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions. Watch video example here.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are starting with the back rounded and the arms raised above the shoulders, extending or arching the back, and shrugging the shoulders during the pulling phase as depicted by the red arrows.

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Side Planks with Hip Dip

Why do it? The side plank with hip dip is a great drill to focus on the obliques, outer hip, and shoulders.

How to do it well: Start with the elbow directly under the shoulder and the feet in either a stacked position or heel to toe position with the hips in a neutral position. In a slow, controlled manner, draw the abs in and lift the hips towards the ceiling then return to the floor. Complete 2-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. Watch video example here.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are starting with the hips too high, the elbow not aligned with the shoulder, and the shoulders rounded forward.

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Bent Over Band Rows

Why do it? The band bent over rows is a great drill to improve the spine stabilizers and strengthen the upper and mid back.

How to do it well: Standing on the band with the feet hip width apart, slightly bend the knees, stick the butt back, and draw the shoulder blades together creating a strong, neutral spine. Pull the band upwards and imagine bringing the hands towards your pockets with the elbows straight up. Return the arms to a straight position. Complete 2-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Watch video example here.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are standing with the knees straight, rounding the spine, and allowing the elbows to pull outside.

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band row bad.jpg

Superman Band Press

Why do it? The superman band press is a great drill to strengthen the posterior chain, including the paraspinal muscles, lats, posterior deltoid and rhomboids all while improving mobility of the shoulders.

How to do it well: Start by lying face down with the hands towards the end of the band with the palms facing down. Push the toes into the floor and extend the knees while pulling the band slightly higher than the head. Put tension on the band while pulling the band behind the head until the elbows reach the end point. Return the arms to a straight position while keeping tension on the band. Complete 2-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions. Watch video example here.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are extending the back and allowing the chest to leave the floor, pulling too much tension on the band, and not bending the elbows as the band comes behind the head.

around the world - good.jpg
superman band press bad.jpg

Learn more about Stacy & Chris:

Stacy Sweetser, ASCA & USMS Level II Coach: SweetWater Swim Studio | Facebook | Instagram
Chris Brown, CSCS, CCET: Endurafit Training and Rehab | Facebook | Instagram

Swim Strong: Multiphase Dryland Series for Masters Swimmers, Phase II


Contributed by Stacy Sweetser, ASCA & USMS Level II, SweetWater Swim Studio & Chris Brown, CSCS, CCET, Endurafit Training and Rehab

Welcome back to the Swim Strong Series. This is the second phase of a progressive dryland training sequence meant to build athleticism that compliments the demands of moving forward through the water efficiently and powerfully. Dryland training, at the pool and at home, is a valuable addition to any swimmer’s routine regardless of age or fitness level. Click here to read Phase I of the Swim Strong Series.

The goal of this series is to increase a swimmer’s range of motion while building strength and mobility. This fundamental movement pattern work aids in injury prevention, tightens connective tissue, and improves swim mechanics and strength. Each phase builds upon the previous phase. The early phases will focus on range of motion, mobility and stability, then progress into strength and resistance exercises.

Use the following Phase II exercise routine as your dynamic warm up before each swim, at home, or before other activities. Allow 3-5 minutes 3x/week. Feel free to alternate days while revisiting exercises from Phase I. If on the pool deck, use a kickboard as a cushion for your knees, ankles, and forearms when appropriate.

A dynamic warm up increases blood circulation and fires up muscles soon to be engaged in the water. Think, “RAMP Up!” before you start up. (RAMP = Range of motion, Activation, Muscle Pliability.)

Do not force movements in this routine and build repetitions and time in exercises gradually.

Wall Slides

wall slide.jpg

Why do it? Wall slides are a great drill to improve shoulder extension and lat activation.

How to do it well: Keeping the spine neutral, place the elbow, forearm and wrist on the wall with the elbow at shoulder height. Push the hands toward the ceiling, keeping the elbow and forearm in contact with the wall, while pulling the shoulder blades down as depicted by the green arrows. Complete 8-10 repetitions.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are rounding the spine, pulling the elbows away from the wall on extension, and shrugging the shoulders as depicted by the red arrows.

Chest Opener

Why do it? The chest opener is a great way to activate the posterior deltoid and rhomboids (think upper back) while stretching the pecs.

How to do it well: In a half kneeling position and with a neutral spine, place the hands around the ears with the elbows out to the side. Pull the elbows back while squeezing the shoulder blades together and exhaling. Complete 6-8 repetitions.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are starting with the elbows too far forward with a rounded spine and head tilted forward, arching the back during the pull back motion, and pointing the toes on the rear foot.

chest opener.jpg

T-Spine Rotations

Why do it? T-Spine Rotations are a great drill to provide mobility through the mid-back (thoracic spine).

How to do it well: In a half kneeling position, place the hands around the ears with the elbows out to the side (similar to the starting position of the chest openers). Take a deep breath in then exhale hard as you rotate over the front leg. Inhale and return to the starting position. Complete 6-8 repetitions.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are rounding the spine throughout the range of motion, not pulling the elbows back to engage the upper back, dropping the chin, and pointing the rear toes.

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Ankle Mobs

Why do it? The Ankle Mobs (or Ankle Mobility) drill is one of our favorites for developing ankle mobility and flexibility in the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles (calf muscles).

How to do it well: Starting in the half kneeling position with the spine in neutral and the front foot slightly behind the front knee, place the hands on top of the knee. Shift your weight forward as you press the knee past the front toes while keeping the front heel in contact with the floor. Return to starting position. Complete 10-12 repetitions.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are extending the spine, starting with the front foot too far forward, and allowing the front heel to lose contact with the floor.

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Around the World

Why do it? The Around the World drill is a great movement to improve range of motion and flexibility of the rotator cuff.

How to do it well: Using a strap or a towel long enough to allow you to go through the range of motion, grab the end of the strap/towel with the palms facing down and the arms fully extended. Bring one arm overhead with the other out to the side to form a triangle. Bring both arms behind, then continue the motion to the other side. Repeat from the opposite side. Complete 4-6 repetitions.

Common mistakes: The most common mistakes are standing with the back extended (arched), using a strap or towel that is too short, and bending the elbows.

around the world - good.jpg
around the world - bad.jpg

Learn more about Stacy & Chris:

Stacy Sweetser, ASCA & USMS Level II Coach: SweetWater Swim Studio | Facebook | Instagram
Chris Brown, CSCS, CCET: Endurafit Training and Rehab | Facebook | Instagram