Swim Strong: Multiphase Dryland Series for Masters Swimmers, Phase I

Swim Strong: Multiphase Dryland Series for Masters Swimmers, Phase I

Swimming strong is about building athleticism that compliments the demands of moving through the water efficiently and powerfully. Dryland training, at the pool and at home, is a valuable addition to any swimmer’s routine regardless of age or fitness level. The goal of this series is to increase the swimmer’s range of motion while building strength and mobility. This fundamental movement pattern work aids in injury prevention, tightens connective tissue, and improves swim mechanics and strength.

The Swim Strong Series will present dryland exercises in progressive phases. Each phase builds upon the previous phase. The early phases will focus on range of motion, mobility and stability then progress into strength and resistive exercises.  Phase I teaches the following exercises: Posture Row, Supported Hip Hinge, Toe Sits, Heel Sits, and Plank.