Board of Directors

The New England Local Masters Swimming Committee (NELMSC) is a volunteer-run, nonprofit subordinate of United States Masters Swimming (USMS) that serves as the regional governing body for USMS-registered clubs, workout groups, coaches and swimmers in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. In addition to working with the National Office and National Committees, it is responsible for enforcing USMS policies and procedures, processing event sanctions and results, maintaining membership records, overseeing officiating, supporting local programs, and administering other such functions within New England.

The NELMSC Board of Directors is comprised of Officers, who are elected by the membership at the annual membership meeting, and Club Representatives, who are appointed by the club's principal officer. Each board member is allowed one vote regardless of how many offices s/he holds.

Each registered club with at least five (5) affiliated USMS members is entitled to one voting Club Representative board seat and one additional seat if the club has 1,000 or more members. A club with fewer than five members may appoint a Club Rep who will be non-voting until the club reaches five members. All Club Reps must be affiliated in their USMS member record with the Club they represent. A Club’s principal officer may appoint its Club Rep by contacting

Elected Officers

(click name to email)

Board Chair

Vice Chair

Immediate Past Chair



Membership Coordinator

Communications Coordinator

Awards & Recognition Coordinator

Coaches Coordinator

Officials Coordinator

Pool Sanctions Coordinator

Open Water Sanctions Coordinator

Top Ten Recorder

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Coordinator

Hall of Fame Coordinator

Website Administrator (At-Large)

APPOINTED Club Representatives


Listed below are descriptions of each volunteer NELMSC officer’s role. Click here to view that position’s template USMS LMSC volunteer role description, which details each LMSC volunteer’s purpose, key responsibilities, recommended attributes and training, and the benefits of the position to the volunteer and to USMS. Specific NELMSC officers’ responsibilities may vary from the USMS templates. Notable variances are described parenthetically below.

  • Chair (The Chair shall be responsible for day-to-day management of the business affairs of the LMSC; shall call meetings as deemed necessary; shall preside at all meetings; shall appoint such standing and special committees as necessary; shall appoint USMS Convention Delegates, all with the advice and consent of the Directors. The Chair shall monitor the activities of the elected Directors, offering guidance and support. The Chair shall communicate with the LMSC Group members, and thereby act as an information conduit between USMS and the LMSC’s Group and Individual Members. The Chair and other Officers shall work cooperatively to conduct LMSC business in a manner that strives to meet all LMSC Mandatory and Target Standards as established in the USMS Guide to Operations.)

  • Vice Chair (The Vice Chair shall have the powers and duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and shall otherwise give support and advice to the Chair.

  • Secretary (The Secretary shall maintain the Bylaws, minutes of all meetings, and manage any votes necessary to carry out LMSC elections or other business as required by USMS. In the NELMSC, the Secretary's responsibilities are narrower than in the USMS template position description in that general communications with the LMSC membership are usually handled by the Communications Chair.)

  • Treasurer (The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing and presenting an annual budget, with the help of the Chair, in accordance with all resolutions and orders, for review and approval by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys and pay all bills approved by the Chair and shall maintain all financial records and shall make timely reports to the Directors.)

  • Membership Coordinator (The Membership Coordinator, aka Registrar, shall respond to inquiries from LMSC stakeholders, process member, club and workout-group registrations, maintain registration records in the USMS database, and generate reports in accordance with LMSC and USMS policies and procedures.)

  • Communications Coordinator (The Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for the dissemination of information from USMS and the LMSC to all individual members of the NELMSC.)

  • Top Ten Recorder (The Top Ten Recorder shall record all swims by LMSC members in Sanctioned or Recognized meets, prepare a tabulation of such swims for LMSC members, and report to USMS as required.)

  • Pool Sanctions Coordinator (The Pool Sanctions Coordinator shall process applications for the sanction or recognition of swim meets held within the LMSC and ensure that meets granted such status adhere to USMS rules and regulations. This NELMSC position is currently for pool meets only. Open-water sanctions and questions are processed by the Open Water Sanctions Coordinator.)

  • Coaches Coordinator (The Coaches Coordinator shall liaise with the local coaching community to facilitate the flow of information from the LMSC, USMS Coaches Committee and National Office, and shall assist coaches in developing their skills and growing their programs.)

  • Officials Coordinator (The Officials Coordinator shall govern the training and registration of USMS officials and ensure appropriate staffing of qualified officials at USMS-sanctioned and recognized swim meets within the LMSC.)

  • Open Water Sanctions Coordinator (The Open Water Sanctions Coordinator shall promote participation and safety in open-water swimming and shall work with the USMS Open Water Coordinator to process “Sanction” applications and ensure that USMS-insured open-water events adhere to USMS rules and regulations.)

  • Awards & Recognition Coordinator (The Awards & Recognition Coordinator shall manage the process of recognizing various levels of participation and accomplishment by LMSC stakeholders. Responsibilities shall include vetting and presenting awards, including selection criteria and awards ceremonies.

  • NELMSC Hall of Fame Coordinator (The Hall of Fame Coordinator shall oversee the NELMSC Hall of Fame, including developing induction criteria, coordinating induction ceremonies, and creating and managing Hall of Fame web pages with the Website Administrator.)

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Coordinator (This position shall promote an environment where all current and potential members of USMS feel welcome (including at facilities, workouts, events, and meets) and shall fulfill other duties and responsibilities as described in the USMS template LMSC Diversity & Inclusion Chair role description. This position may, as needed, empanel a volunteer ad hoc DEI subcommittee for support.)

  • Immediate Past Chair (To maintain continuity on the LMSC Board, the Immediate Past Chair shall be filled for one 2-year term only by the last person to hold the LMSC chair position. If that person is elected to another LMSC office, then the immediate past chair position shall remain vacant unless the other office is relinquished or a new Chair is elected.)

At the Board's discretion, the two “At Large” directors may be elected in the same manner as the other directors and shall be assigned duties by the chair with the advice and consent of the board.

  • At-Large Director (Currently filled by the Website Administrator: This position shall maintain the LMSC website's functionality and security and proactively work with other LMSC directors to update and archive content as needed.)

  • At-Large Director (Currently unassigned.)