Susan Reid: “Chef, writer, swimmer, imperfect influencer.”
Anyone who has attended Leaf Peepers Masters Meet held every October at the Upper Valley Aquatic Facility (UVAC) knows that there are sweet rewards involved. Cakes, caramel corn, cookies, brownies, and whoopee pies await swimmers after their races, with first choice often going to the brave 200 butterflyers. Susan Reid, chef and swimmer, is the person responsible for the amazing prizes.
Culinary arts was not Susan’s first career. She spent 10 years as a copy writer honing her wordsmithing. She transitioned into the kitchen in the 90s, working at the Bedford Village Inn. In 2002, her writing skills got her through the door at the King Arthur Baking Company. Susan emailed King Arthur to inquire whether they had any use for “a chef that can write.” They did, and she was hired to test recipes for their Baker’s Companion Cookbook. As the company grew, she transitioned to writing King Arthur’s newsletter where she created new recipes for content and oversaw the publications growth and expansion into color print and then digital realm.
In addition to her love of cooking and baking, Susan has always been swimmer. Growing up in New Jersey, her father suggested she become a lifeguard. Although Susan was concerned that she “wasn’t cool enough” to be a lifeguard, she took the plunge. “That made me cool!” she says. Susan came back to the pool after an ankle injury about 10 years ago. She did not set out to join a Masters swim team, but while she was at the pool a swimmer, now her best friend, invited her to join the UV Rays. Now, Susan swims 3 to 4 days a week. Following two shoulder surgeries, she has had to pull back at times on yardage. “The water is too important to me” Susan says so she adapts her training such as IM sets to reduce repetitive motion, kick sets and one arm butterfly. Susan doesn’t often race nowadays, finding her place cheering and supporting other swimmers.
Baking and swimming collided for Susan with the Leaf Peepers Masters Meet. Years ago, Mary Gentry, the meet director for Leaf Peepers, requested the team make a few pies to award to 400 IMers. A few pie prizes have grown into a cornucopia of sweets. Susan bakes throughout the month of October to be ready for Leaf Peepers. How much time does it take to make all the treats? “I don’t know, I try not to add that up.” Susan pulls together various resources for her baking extravaganza. UV Ray’s coach, Barbara Hummel, often contributes a wheel-barrels full of apples from her orchard. Susan also takes inventory of her own stores, using up odds and ends such as extra cake layers or packaging for pancake mixes.
Susan retired from King Arthur Baking Company in 2022, but she hasn’t slowed down. She is working on several cookbooks, obtaining her catering license, baking wedding cakes, gardening, and running her successful Instagram account @chefsusaninvt and website The Well Plated Life. Susan has amassed 17,000 followers on Instagram where she posts recipes like apple turnovers Gruyère Crusty Loaves and answers baking questions for followers.
The 14th Annual UVAC Leaf Peepers Masters Meet is Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 9:30 am in White River Junction, VT. Deck entries are accepted through 9:45 am on the day of the meet. Don’t miss out on Susan’s amazing baked good prizes!
By Kysa Crusco, Communications Coordinator NELMSC