
Two NE Records Bested at 17th Annual Erswell Meet in Maine

Contributed by Tim Lecrone, NE-LMSC Registrar

Photos contributed by Sue Jensen

Fred Schlicher and Sue Jensen

BRUNSWICK, ME - It was another great mini meet in Maine on Halloween weekend!  The 17th Annual George Erswell Masters Meet, held at Bowdoin College on October 29, found swimmers and fans residing poolside with great swims and even greater smiles. Four teams - MESC, GBM, NEM, and RICE of South Texas - were represented. There were some memorable moments, starting with Dick Hutchings setting a New England record in the men's 75-79 500-yard freestyle with a time of 7:18.23. Of course, great things come in pairs, and Fred Schlicher demolished the New England record in the men's 65-69 200-yard butterfly with a blazing 2:31.01. 

One of the most exciting things about the meet was the large number of newcomers to masters swimming. This was Maine's second meet of the fall season, and both featured excellent turnout from new participants. This year's Erswell meet hosted 46 athletes, up from 38 last year. This bodes well for new energy and enthusiasm in the form of new faces for the coming season!  

Rob Schiller preparing for his race

Sue Jensen and Anne Uecker

The beautiful Bowdoin pool

Fast Swims and New Fast Friends at 8th Annual UVAC Leaf Peepers Mini Meet

Release and Photos Contributed by Barbara Hummel

Diann Uustal nabs two national records at Leaf Peepers.

WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT - On October 22, the UVRays hosted their 8th Annual Leaf Peepers meet, famous for its friendly atmosphere, fast pool, and phenomenal awards table. This year’s short course meters meet attracted 84 swimmers from at least 10 states and representing 24 workout groups.

Diann Uustal from Swim Rhode Island was the meet’s outstanding swimmer, setting national records in women’s 70-74 100m backstroke (1:24.93) and 100m IM (1:24.30).  Diann’s 38.93 in the 50m backstroke was just 3 one-hundredths off the national record, but was good for a New England record, as was her 45.43 in the 50m breaststroke. Greg Shaw of Keene Masters set three regional marks in the men’s 65-69 age group: 50m butterfly (31.03), 100m butterfly (1:10.40), and 200m IM (2:43.35). Fritz Bedford of the host team, UVRays, nabbed a New England record in the men’s 50-54 100m breaststroke (1:14.37). Beth Estel of the Granite State Penguins set a regional record in the women’s 60-64 200m backstroke (3:01.68) and Lee Ann Banks of Virginia set a regional record in the women’s 55-59 100m backstroke (1:20.91).

Susan Reid of the UVRays (and King Arthur Flour) puts finishing touches on Leaf Peepers awards table 

This year’s edition of the Ice Breaker relay encouraged total strangers to become fast friends by swimming with noodles and apples and by howling through the dog-paddle leg. The renowned awards table, courtesy of UVRays Susan Reid and Sue Gray, featured dozens of pies, cakes, breads, brownies, cookies, and pumpkins as well as local maple syrup – ensuring a take-home prize for every swimmer. 

For additional information, contact:

Barbara Hummel

Mobile:  802-356-6677 

Simmons October Swim Fest Results


BOSTON, MA - Simmons College hosted the ninth edition of the October Swim Fest on October 15 in Boston. About sixty-five swimmers participated for a total of 190 splashes. The short course meters event is run by the Simmons College Swimming & Diving team and helps fund the team's winter training trip to Florida. There were certainly some fun and fast races!

Warmup before the meet

In Search of Memphre 2016 and My First DNF

Contributed by Nathaniel Dean

On the night of September 9th, Nathaniel Dean, a member of Cambridge Masters Swim Club, attempted to swim across Lake Mempremagog - 25 miles from Newport, VT to Magog, Quebec, Canada. He ended his swim for safety reasons after completing 12.5 miles in 6 hours. This swim report was originally published in the Marathon Swimmers Forum. It is reposted here with permission. 

Figured I'd share a swim report, since I haven't been on the forums in a while and I felt that some people could learn from my experience. I swam in In Search of Memphre this weekend but didn't make it the full distance to Magog. Here's a rundown of the weekend, and where I broke down, and some things I learned over the weekend that hopefully would help other people, including myself... I plan to go back and complete next year.

I should emphasize that none of this is to be read as an excuse. All of the mistakes leading to this DNF were solely my own, and while that is a bitter pill to swallow, I was fortunate that it happened in friendlier waters with decent support and with enough training to know that things were going very wrong, knowing when to pull myself out instead of getting myself into a dangerous situation.

For those who don't know the Kingdom, Lake Memphremagog is a very large lake stretching from Newport, VT on the south to Magog, Quebec, Canada on the north. A number of swims occur on that lake including a series during the Kingdom Games, which has a variety of distances ranging from 1 mile to 25km. ISOM is the longest of the lot, stretching from Newport to Magog, a distance of 25+ miles. This swim is to support more open borders between the two towns to improve the economy of both cities.

Two people were on the swim this year, and hats off to Mark Smitherman who accomplished this hard swim in 13 hours. We spoke a few time prior to the swim, as well as on the dock starting off, and he was a very collected and determined individual, not to mention a very good swimmer, hats off to him! I'd love to read his race report to see what happened on his trip, not to mention at the end of the swim.

The swim started at the Newport docks shortly after midnight on Friday into Saturday, accompanied this year by a 13' boat with support crew with gas motor and a very experienced kayaker. My crew consisted of my wife Katharine Owen and a fellow swimmer whom I helped train for the 25km swim two months prior, Daniela Klaz. My kayaker was Gary Golden, who handled his kayak very well.

Direction of the swim was north, and a gentle wind from the south pushed us at the beginning. Start was at 12:20am. My feed schedule this year had changed; in previous years I have fed every 30 minutes, and this strategy got me through both Catalina and MIMS, with the caveat that I had more "stuff" in my system, and thus it took longer to eliminate. My observers in the past had commented that this was something I needed to work on, so I came up with this compromise. So this year I had trained and planned to change my schedule from 30 minutes to 45 minutes, thinking this would take the pressure off my voids, encourage fewer breaks in general and increase my speed.

However, that training was not sufficient. Figuring I had already done sufficiently long distances and thus could handle longer distances, I focused on more intense shorter swims, which were also easier to fit into my work schedule. However, that combined with the feed change would set off one of a series of dominoes that would call the end of my swim far sooner than I had expected. That doesn't mean that I necessarily approve of training up to race simulation distance (I'm still of the opinion that shorter focused practices do more for you than junk yardage), but doing swims with a new feed schedule is definitely crucial to making that feed schedule stick and confirming that it is the right move.

The first three feeds (up to 2h15m elapsed time) go really well, and I'm in good spirits as I am told on the third feed that I've already crossed into Canadian waters. I had recalled that the water temperature drops a couple degrees when you do cross over, as the water is deeper at that part of the lake. I have a couple of small worries though: 1. The boat fumes were starting to overcome me, as I haven't swam around boat fumes in a while, so my support crew had to pull away, not to mention the boat fumes were getting to my crew as well. This means that I didn't get as much protection from the wind as I would like, and this would come into play later. 2. My feed system is a double ended carabiner on a rope, with hookable Blender Bottles containing the mixed feeds (for the record, this is the most fool-proof method of feeding a swimmer and I would not encourage any other feeding method). But this means that the crew has to throw the feed in front of me and then slow down so I don't have to chase the feed. But, these boats couldn't go slow enough unless they idled, and if they idled the fumes would concentrate and sometimes the engines would stall, so we didn't run the boat slow and I still had to chase my feeds.
3. For my other night swims, I have hooked a chemical glowstick onto the back of my goggles, and since this system has worked for me in the past, why mess with a good thing? This time though, my stroke had changed enough that it was easy to wedge the glowstick between my goggles and my shoulder as I breathed on my left, making it difficult for me to fall into my usual bilateral-3 pattern. 4. I had instructed my crew to use hand signals with me to signal feeds, changes in speed/pace, positioning, and other key instructions. While this had worked in previous swims where there was a lot more light from a bigger boat, in this situation the lighting was much more subtle, and the only thing I could see in my blurry goggles (defogger not working was the least of my concerns) was the light from the headlamps. So, every time Kate looked at me to count strokes per minute, I would think they were trying to signal me somehow so I'd lift my head. This also played a factor into the later hours.

At about 3 1/2 hours in, these little issues started to stack upon one another. Since I had switched from bilateral-3 to 4-2-4-2-4-2 on my right side, I was now only looking at my kayaker on the right and not the support boat on my left, making it a bit more complicated for my boat to signal me. But, I knew they were close because I could smell them. The support boat was on my left and the wind had shifted unpredictably from the south to the west and kicked up to 8 knots, meaning the fumes were blowing into me nonstop. The wind also dropped the perceived temperature of the air, which was a complete surprise to me, and one of the things I learned the most from this swim: air temperature is just as important as water temperature. The water temp was in the 70s, practically bath water. The air temp was in the low 60s, but because of the wind felt 10 degrees colder. The support boat was further out doing the right thing, but I ended up getting the fumes anyway and the wind still hit me.

That's when my traps started to seize up. The trapezius muscles extend from the neck to the shoulder and back down to the spine in a diamond pattern in your back. I was depending on them because I was shrugging my shoulders trying to keep the glowstick from not wedging on my shoulder, shortening my stroke and in the process making the situation worse. My crew gave me new goggles at the 3:45 feed (always bring backups!) that worked amazingly, but the damage had already been done. I had picked up my pace to keep ahead of the cold I was perceiving in my arms.

At this point, I started to weave between the support boat and the kayak. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this had more to do with both the support boat and kayak being pushed by the winds, making it hard for them to keep a straight line (the fact that either of them could keep a straight line at all is a testament to the mettle and capacity of all involved). However, I was under the impression that I was losing it.

4:30 couldn't come soon enough, and I gulped down my hot feed (one every three feeds). Another mistake: not only had I changed my feed from 30 to 45 minutes, I had also changed the frequency of hot feeds to cold from every other feed to every third feed. Instead of getting a warm feed every hour, it was every 2 1/4 hours. Having figured that the water temperature was 70 I didn't expect to get cold. But, sure enough, I did.

5:00 hits, the sun is starting to peak, and I'm literally counting the seconds to the next feed. At 5:15's feed I own up to it with my crew: I say that the goggles were working great but I was not, that at that point my traps seized so much I couldn't turn my neck and I had to rotate my entire body to get my face out of the water, that I was cold, and I was fighting really hard to stay with it. I was really weaving between the boat and the kayak at this point.

How much of this was psychological and how much of it was physical hypothermia I couldn't tell. All the little factors stacked up to a big monster. The inside joke of ISOM is that the swim is to search for the fabled lake monster Memphre. At this point I felt that the real monster was an amalgamation of all these little demons given a big inky canvas to weave stories of doom. I've observed for the Ice Mile, and have seem people go through mild to severe hypothermia. I've observed for marathon swimmers and while I'm lucky to not to have to pull anyone, I've seen people get out completely shivering after an 8+ hour swim in 75+ degree water. I've read about all the unfortunate people who have died during swims.

I glanced at the edges of the lake, mentally calculated how long it'd take for people to get me to shore if I really started getting in trouble. If I developed the mask, if I started experiencing the claw in my stroke. None of this was actually happening to me: In fact, my stroke rate was staying pretty constant, and my crew pulled in closer to give me comfort and warmth, only for me to think they were really worried for my safety and as a side effect made it seem like I was bouncing around even more between the boats.

So 15 minutes to my next feed (which would have been a warm one), just when the sun was coming out, just when all of this could have gotten to get better, I pulled myself. I still contend that it was the right move. My crew was surprised, they asked me if I was sure. I cursed to the sky and said yep. I was pissed that I psyched myself out, but it was still a good move. I honestly felt that was at least mildly hypothermic, and was shaking and purple when pulled onto the safety boat and onto shore. Now, I've swum BLS in 58-62F and other cold swims, so who knows how much of this was psychological or physical. I contend that the difference didn't matter at that point. I let all these little things pile up into a real monster and get the better of me.

I'm proud of making it 12.5 miles in 6 hours. But I did make some major mistakes that I felt that I could help others not make:

  1. Get a light that doesn't extend down the neck. Those round lights like the one Mark had on his goggles are amazing and will not interfere in any way with the swim.
  2. Train in cold AND WIND. It's a backwards feeling for the water to be warm and the air to be frigid, and it can really strip you of heat.
  3. For nighttime swims, have light signals instead of hand signals. Not dry erase boards, not yelling (most times you can't hear your crew), but light signals are the clearest and can be seen through foggy goggles.
  4. I'm still not sure how to prepare for swims with fumes. This still gets to me.
  6. Proper training lets you conquer the little demons one by one so you can stop them before they can combine to be a Voltron of evil.

That lake is no joke. It is a hard swim. Do not underestimate it. I plan to face it next year with way more open eyes than I had before.

--Nathaniel Dean

Kingdom Swim 2016 Recap

Contributed by Charlotte Brynn, NE-LMSC Open Water Chair

Results      Photos              

Kayakers and Swimmers preparing for the 10km marathon swim

LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG, NEWPORT, VERMONT -  With a variety of distances to choose from, a sandy start and finish, and fresh water, Kingdom Swim 2016 was a perfect event for first timers and seasoned veterans. This year, New England swimmers flocked to the waters of Lake Memphremagog, and they were in good company; approximately 150 swimmers and about 140 kayakers participated. They travelled from California, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington, DC, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Ireland, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Quebec. Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Vermont, Washington State, and Wisconsin.

Charlotte Brynn on her way to winning the 25km Border Buster

Charlotte Brynn on her way to winning the 25km Border Buster

The weekend kicked off with a Pizza Cruise on the Northern Star, with motivational speaker Craig Dietz, 41, from Hummelstown, Pennsylvania, also known as the Limbless Waterman. He delivered a powerful talk, and on Saturday, completed the longest swim of his life, the 10 km marathon course in a time of 4:12:35. Craig used a flipper attached to his left leg stump and undulated on his back.

Women's 10km skin podium

Women's 10km skin podium

After a terrific Pasta Dinner on Friday evening, swimmers were ready to take to the Lake. Kingdom Swim included the 15.9-mile (25 km) Border Buster, the USMS 10-mile Open Water National Championship, a non-championship wave of the 10-mile course, a 6.2-mile (10 km) race, as well as 3.1-mile (5 km) and 1-mile races.

For the first time this year, the event featured a pig roast in the evening. The event featured live music and a raffle to win entry to various swims, including Swim the Suck, Swim the Kingdom Week, and the Cork Distance Training Camp.

Top finishers in the men's 5km skin race

Top finishers in the men's 5km skin race

Big thanks to Bob Fernald, event referee, and Phil White of Kingdom Games and his volunteers who made this such a memorable event. The common thread in talking with swimmers post swim was, “I can’t wait to return to the North East Kingdom.” Congratulations to all those who swam, and enjoyed all that Open Water Swimming has to offer - good natured swimmers, beautiful scenery, and the camaraderie of enjoying the outdoors together, whether it be for competition or recreation. Top results can be found below, and full results are posted here. Additionally, registration is already open for 2017!

Border Buster - 15.9 Mile

Swimmers crossed the border into Canada and swam back to the USA. The overall course winner was Charlotte Brynn, 50, of Stowe, VT in 7 hours, 55 minutes, 46 seconds. Bill Shipp, 56, of Mitchellville, MD was second in a time of 8 hours, 18 minutes, 47 seconds. Ned Denison, 58, was third, finishing in 8 hours, 48 minutes, and 31 seconds.


On the women's side, New England swimmers were a force, with 6 swimmers competing:

1.        7:55.46           Charlotte Brynn        50       Stowe VT

5.        9:19:06           Kellie Latimer            30       Norwood, MA

6.        9:21:10           Daniela Klaz               24       Jamaica Plain, MA

7.        9:21:10           Hillary Rodriguez       28       Jamaica Plain, MA

9.        9:45:06           Julie Burnett               50       Stoneham, MA

10.       10:36:54       Paula Yankauskas         61       Hyde Park, VT



3.        9:03:10         Patrick McDermot       51       Salem, NH

4.        10:04:18       William Larkins           22       Freeport, ME

5.        10:42:19       Ian Grimmer                47       Middlebury, VT


10 Mile Non Championship – WetSuit


  1.        4:57:48       Gabi Redford        49       Annapolis, MD
  2.        5:08:33       Elaine Scholtz       54       Campton, NH


  1.        5:07:35       Herve Hamon          54       Norwalk, CT
  2.        6:01:31       Thomas Whalen       50       St. Louis, MO


6.2 Mile (10 km) - Skin


  1.        2:32:25       Jen Olsen                 45       Millis, MA
  2.        2:36:22       Alana Aubin             26       Watertown, MA
  3.        2:54:16       Katharine Owen       37       Arlington, MA


  1.        2:14:39       Eric Nilsson                   29       Weston, MA
  2.        2:30:03       Mark Loftis                    56       New York, NY
  3.        2:31:25       Christopher Cowley       24       Brookline, MA


6.2 Mile (10 km) - Wetsuit


  1.        3:08:47       Melissa Ossanna          47       Bar Harbor, ME
  2.        3:34:30       Tamara Takoudes        46        Needham, MA
  3.        3:48:17       Maria Beconi              53        Bedford, MA 


  1.        3:06:02       Michael McGurk       56       Sudbury, MA 


3.1 MILE (5 km) - SKIN


  1.       1:17:45       Merin Troutman       42       Mystic, CT
  2.       1:30:13       Emily Boerger           21       Kingston, MA
  3.       1:31:50       Hilary Sullivan          35       Roslindale, MA


  1.        1:33:05       Lawton Harper        49       Center Conway, NH
  2.        1:34:36       David Bentley         48       Winchester, MA
  3.        1:39:36       George Boerger       55       Kingston, NY


3.1 Mile (5 km) - Wetsuit


  1.        1:17:34       Laura Delorey          53       Westminster, MA
  2.        1:34:46       Francine Amyot       52       St-Romuald, QC
  3.        1:38:34       Kay Thomas            49       Duxbury, MA


  1.        1:18:52       Bruce Mohl        70       Bonita Springs, FL 


1 Mile - Skin


  1.        0:23:54       Renee Reiser         49       Annapolis, MD
  2.        0:26:45       Julie Wolf              31       Hoboken, NJ
  3.        0:31:59       Jennifer Olaru       45       Dorset, VT


  1.        0:23:38       Andrew Grannell       69       Annapolis, MD
  2.        0:27:01       Andre Cote                55       Lévis, QC
  3.        0:27:17       Matthew Marcy         48       Bluemont, VA

USMS 10-mile Open Water National Championship Recap

Contributed by Charlotte Brynn, NE-LMSC Open Water Chair

Results      Photos              

LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG, NEWPORT, VERMONT - Excellent conditions, top times, and tight finishes sums up a great day of racing in Newport, Vermont on July 30. To follow are the USMS Open Water Championship results in full, as well as New England highlights.

The start of the 2016 USMS Open Water 10-mile National Championship

The start of the 2016 USMS Open Water 10-mile National Championship

USMS OWN Ultra Marathon - 10 Mile

Overall Male

  1. 4:10:03                     James Biles                          55                    Cedarburg, WI
  2. 4:10:40                     Stephen Rouch                    36                    Indianapolis, IN 
  3. 4:22:32                     Guy Davis                           57                    North Hampton, NH


New England Age Group Highlights - Male

In the 35 - 39 age group, Anuj Sampat of Waltham, MA, grabbed third in 6:22:02.

Christopher Graefe of Jamaica Plain, MA won the 40-44 age group with a time of 4:24:14, narrowly missing the overall podium. He was followed by Willy Blumentals of Sudbury, MA, in 6:46:35.

In the 45-49 age group, John Langton of Lynnfield, MA placed second, in a time of 4:52.01. Talbot Crowell from Lexington, MA was fifth in 6:15:22.

New Englander Elaine Howley provides kayak support during the 10 mile race

New Englander Elaine Howley provides kayak support during the 10 mile race

The 55-59 age group was the most competitive division, with James Biles winning the National Championship in a time of 4:10.03. He was also the overall 10 mile event winner. Hot on his heels was Guy Davis of Great Bay Masters, from North Hampton, NH, throwing down a strong swim to take second place in a time of 4:22.32, and the 3rd fastest time on the 10 mile course. Frederick Hirsch of Hull, MA, and Gregory Gomez of Newtonville, MA, finished 5th and 6th, respectively.

A strong New England presence was felt in the 60-64 age group, with Westley Richards of Windham, MA taking 2nd place in a time of 5:35.72, and Brian Mc Laughlin of Nashua, NH taking 3rd place in a time of 5:38.13. Brian is also a leading Go The Distance Swimmer.

Overall Female

  1. 4:25:32                     Laurie Hug                                 51                     Ambler, PA
  2. 4:26:17                     Nancy Steadman Martin             62                     Oceanport, NJ
  3. 4:29:08                     Shirley Loftus-Charley                64                     Afton, VA


New England Age Group Highlights - Female

Jenny Wolf of Concord, MA was third in the 30-34 age group, finishing in 5:16:50.

In the 35-39 age group, Mina Elnaccash of Somerville, MA was sixth in 7:01:33.

In the 45-49 year age group, Theresa Peck of Plymouth, NH placed third in a time of 5:57.48.

In the 50-54 year age group, Martha Wood of Manchester, NH, finished second in a time of 4:45.11, and Sheryl Scott of Pelham, MA took third in a time of 5:23.32.

Congratulations to all swimmers who competed in the 2016 10+ mile OWN. It was terrific to see so many NE-LMSC swimmers challenge themselves to this National Open Water event.

Jenny Thompson Meet Results

Contributed by Guy Davis, NE-LMSC Vice-Chair

Great Bay Masters hosted another successful summer LCM meet on July 17 at Dover's Jenny Thompson pool. The meet is popular with swimmers looking to achieve LCM top 10 times and to prepare for the LCM Nationals. 64 swimmers from 7 clubs participated.

Meet Director Crystie McGrail hard at work running an excellent meet

MBCC Against the Tide Hopkinton Recap & Cape Cod Precap

Contributed by Ruth Anam

This past Saturday, June 18, marked the 24th anniversary for Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition’s (MBCC) Statewide Annual Against the Tide Swim, Kayak, Walk, Run, and/or Aquathon fundraising event at the beautiful DCR’s Hopkinton State Park. Hundreds of participants, including dozens of swimmers, joined the effort to raise over $86,000 (and still counting) towards MBCC’s unique goal of breast cancer prevention. Awards and prizes were handed out throughout the morning to the top fundraisers and fastest competitive athletes. 

If you were unable to take part in the event festivities this time, MBCC will be holding another morning-only, family-friendly Against the Tide event on the Cape. The 17th Statewide Annual Swim, Kayak, Walk, Run, and/or Aquathon event will take place on Saturday, August 20 at DCR’s Nickerson State Park (Flax Pond in Brewster, MA). Participants will enjoy swimming in the pristine waters at Flax Pond and can take pride in participating in one of the America's Top 50 Open Water Swims. Against the Tide consists of the following swim components: a 1-mile competitive swim beginning at 8:30 AM and a 1-mile recreational swim beginning at 9:45 AM. There is also an Aquathon option starting at 8:30 AM for individuals to take part in the competitive swim and dash straight into the USATF-certified 5K or 10K run. There will be an Aquathon Transition Tent to hold participants’ belongings. 

There really is no reason to miss out on the August 20th Against the Tide event: registration is $40 per event activity for adults and $25 per event activity for students, with all proceeds going towards MBCC’s unique prevention work. Bring a friend, family member, or a colleague! All walk-in registrations are welcome after online registration closes at noon on Friday, August 19. Additionally, the MBCC is in need of angel swimmers for the August 20 event. Please contact Ruth Anam if you are interested in this volunteer role. To register for Against the Tide and for more information, please visit and/or call 1-800-649-6222.


Eighth Annual Charles River One Mile Swim Recap

Contributed by Kate Radville, Race Director

Competitors at the start of the Eighth Annual Charles River One Mile Swim

On June 11th, 2016, the Charles River Swimming Club hosted its Eighth One Mile Swim in the Charles River Basin. The race, which took place on a single loop course between the Massachusetts Avenue and Longfellow bridges, was the largest in the club’s ten-year history.

This year's race drew a record number of swimmers to the river. The introduction of electronic, chip timing allowed for real-time results and an expanded field of 144 athletes. Conditions, including bright sun and flat water, were ideal for an open water competition. For the second year in a row, the top finisher was a woman. Alana Aubin (26) of Watertown, Massachusetts narrowly edged out Frank Wuest (56), of Boston, Massachusetts to earn her victory. Overall and age group winners earned gift certificates for a day of canoeing, kayaking, or stand up paddle boarding with Charles River Canoe and Kayak, one of the club’s generous sponsors, as well as "I Swam the Charles" pint glasses. 

The Charles River Swimming Club is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2005 with the dual purpose of organizing competitive swimming events in the river and facilitating the return of public river swimming. After a long history of pollution, the Charles has benefited tremendously from the Clean Charles River Initiative, which began in 1995. It is now clean enough for swimming on most summer days, and the annual swim race is organized in part to raise awareness of this fact. 

Overall winner Alana Aubin receives her prizes from race director Kate Radville

Overall winner Alana Aubin receives her prizes from race director Kate Radville

If you are interested in getting involved with the club as a volunteer or participating in upcoming events, please visit the club’s website at The club is run strictly by volunteers and would like to extend its gratitude to the swimmers and volunteers who made this year’s event such a huge success.

Karlyn Pipes Clinics Huge Success!

Contributed by Crystie McGrail, NELMSC Coaches Chair

Throw out everything you ever knew about swimming. That is what I did Saturday, during a long and exceptional day of learning at the hands of Karlyn Pipes of Aquatic Edge.

Karlyn is an extremely versatile swimmer, having set over 200+ Masters World records, including at least one in each stroke. She was inducted into the International Swimming Hall of Fame in 2015. Add that to running her own company of presenting swim technique clinics all over the world, and you've got one impressive resume!

We were fortunate that Karlyn was able to make herself available for three separate modules in just ONE day:

  1. Coaches Only Workshop - Karlyn shared two presentations, the first on how to promote self-awareness in swimmers and the second on reasons for power failure. 
  2. Faster Freestyle Swimming Clinic – Swimmers were introduced to techniques through Karlyn's Go Swim DVD on Freestyle and then moved to the pool. During this clinic participants from the coaches workshop were on deck to help facilitate and apply the principles they learned earlier. 
  3. Multi-stroke Swimming Clinic – During this clinic, the other three strokes were explored. Again swimmers were first introduced to concepts via Karlyn's Go Swim DVD on All Strokes and then moved to the water. 

The presentation of material was awe-inspiring in the number of A-HA moments, simple techniques, and easily implemented tips! I left feeling ready to change swimming lives for the better and with every tool I needed to do it!

I also want to acknowledge Karlyn's incredible spirit - this day included 9 hours of presenting and facilitating technique content! Karlyn presented with vibrancy and grace the entire time! Though you could buy her DVD's, I highly suggest that attending her clinic in person because it is an extraordinary learning opportunity! Or maybe if you are lucky you can visit her in Kona, Hawaii and get the full Aquatic Edge experience!

In true Masters fashion, we relocated to the hot tub!

In true Masters fashion, we relocated to the hot tub!

Links referenced at the clinic:

1 - swimming muscles engaged:

2 - Faster Freestyle with VASA: (there are actually 4 segments to this, if you look at the video list on the right they should appear)